Election 2024: America vs Trump

 I clearly stated that if Trump won in 2016, it would end badly, and it did. Trump and his allies committed acts of felony conspiracy to stage a coup;

THE ELECTION CONSPIRACY: his supporters were simply helpful idiots when they stormed the capital, and that was only what the public saw: the real crimes included the strongarming of state officials and the fraudulent elector scheme. Any President who could scheme to overthrow an election doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the seat of power. Moreover, he made it worse, claiming election fraud, which simply didn't exist: 

- Here is what we know
  • The states ran multiple recounts; some did audits. 
  • The investigative team the Trump campaign hired for millions of dollars to find the fraud, in their report, noted there wasn't any; 
  • The CycberNinjas, whom the GOP hired to do a forensic audit of Nevada after five months, found that (A) there was no Bamboo paper and no significant fraud, and, as they reported, Biden got more votes than the official results. 
  • Rudy, in court, captured in the transcripts of one of the 60 court cases he lost when asked if he was asserting election fraud, said, "No, your honor."
  • Sydney Powell- who ranted all over Fox, Newsmax, and OAN, saying that when they get their day in court, they have "Mountains of evidence fo fraud"- got her day in court when she was indicted in GA. Instead of presenting all her evidence, she pleaded guilty, saying that she was stating opinions and no one should have taken what she said as fact. 
  • And a DC Grand Jury saw the evidence that we, the public, have not indicted Trump for criminal conspiracy to overturn an election. 
  • Fox News lost a court case where they were sued for lies about the election: under oath in depositions and text messages, the hosts admitted they lied for ratings and that they couldn't believe that their viewers believed the BS they were peddling. 
Trump's Criminality and Misuse of the White House Leverage
  • He obtained previously failed attempts to get Ivanka dozens of China, Japanese, and other trademarks and coincidently pushed to have sanctions on a Chinese tech company lifted just after the trademarks were approved. 
  • The administration went to great lengths to protect Saudia Arabia from criticism of assassinating a WAPO Journalist; shortly after leaving the WH, the Saudis announced their LIV Golf Tournament would be all the Trump Golf Courses and Jared -- MBS stated was "in his pocket -- received 2 Billion dollars from the Saudiis for his new investment firm.
  • Jared -- who couldn't get a security clearance because he was financially compromised and ran Middle East policy--, was refused hundreds of millions in loans from Qatar. Suddenly, the Saudis launched a blockade of Qatat; when a Qatar bank relented and approved the loans, the blockade was immediately lifted. 
  • Jared also secured billions from the UAE.
  • Trump U and Trump Foundation were both shut down for fraud -- BEFORE he became president.
  • Trump Org, Donald, the CFO, and others were all convicted or pled guilty to fraud charges. 
  • Trump was also found liable for rape and defamation (twice, not to mention his bragging about how he assaulted women "because he was famous could get away with it; and years ago, he bragged to Howard Stern how as a pageant owner, he could go unannounced into the Teen Miss USA dressing rooms with half-naked women "because as the owner I" I was inspecting" the pageant. 
Biden Presidency

The MAGAVERSE keeps saying "The world is a disaster since Biden entered the stage with his clowns."  

Firstly, Biden didn't create the pandemic or the fallout from it.  The pandemic was worldwide, and the US under Trump oversaw the worst handling (based on the numbers) of any country in the world. Trump mismanaged the pandemic -- referring to it as akin to the common cold or flu, and it would be gone in a few months. Meanwhile, in an audio interview for a book in Feb 2020, he stated, "This is serious, much more deadly and contagious than the flu." yet he told his supporters it was under control; it was akin to the flu, and it would be fine and gone in months, while he incited the crimes of "liberty" and the gov's infringement on it. I often told my friends and family they gave up privacy when they turned on their phones. 

Secondly, Trump lost more jobs and more lives during the pandemic than any American president. Before the pandemic, he added more to the national debt and deficit than any American president, contradicting the GOp, who called him the greatest president. 

Thirdly, the fallout of the pandemic (worldwide) affected (A) supply chains, resulting in "worldwide inflation" and increased costs of goods and gas.   

Fourth, under Biden's watch, the U.S. outperformed the industrialized world in GP, with lower inflation and goods costs, and steered the U.S. as the most robust economy in the world. You can't look at the U.S. in a bubble; you must compare what he did to the rest of the world.

Fifth, comparing legislative accomplishments, 
  1. Trump did ONE thing: he signed the GOP wet dream tax cuts, which resulted in an increased wealth gap, debt, and deficit. 
  2. Trump promised healthcare -- "It's done, it's fantastic, and we'll unveil soon." He never delivered anything; Biden lowered prescription drugs for the first time, allowing Medicaid to negotiate pricing with big pharma.
  3. Trump called for Infrastructure Week every month, yet he only did photo ops in a truck; Biden passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill, resulting in billions of construction jobs flowing into communities and states nationwide and bringing broadband to rural areas of the country.
  4. Biden got a bipartisan CHIPS bill passed, which brought billions in private investment into the U.S., transforming the negative 100,000 manufacturing jobs lost under Trump into + 800,000 manufacturing jobs. 
  5. In decades, Trump oversaw the largest spike in crime, and Bidne reversed it with a 29% decrease.  
  6. Trump talked about supporting veterans yet called them suckers and losers; Biden got a bipartisan bill (PACT ACT) passed to take care of veterans. 
  7. Trump handed Biden a 6% unemployment rate, which Biden brought down to a historic low. 
  8. Biden oversaw record highs in the stock market. 
These are just some of the factual statistics, not all of them. 

2024 Election and the Rise or Fall of America 

In 2016, I unapologetically noted that if Trump won, it would end badly. And it did. Let's review what occurred across the country and the world and how Trump vs Biden fared. If Trump wins in 2024, it will be far worse; here is why. 

For people who thought Biden was too old and in cognitive decline, he is no longer running, so it is moot. If you want to know what the election is about, read Project 2025: the radical right's fever dream of an authoritarian state. When you look at policies, you shouldn't look at the short term to see if they accomplish what you want for a specific issue but broadly to see how they can be applied beyond those issues. The right loves the idea of an authoritarian banning abortion. What they fail to understand is that when you give the state over a person's privacy, they can then use the same policy to go after other things; for example, they can ban contraception, they can ban same-sex unions, they can ban and impede the foundational concept of the right life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness if the group they're targeting they don't like. 

SCOTUS, in their terrible ruling on presidential immunity, would be handing a convicted felon, who has pending charges for other crimes and has not been charged for the abuse of power noted earlier, the ability to commit crimes with impunity. 

Voting for Trump is a vote for an authoritarian state in the shape of Hungry, Russia, and North Korea,  

People need to stop being useful idiots, giving their power of the vote to the wrong people who have an agenda that will not serve them. They need to pay attention to the details and stop being moved by rhetoric, lies, and gaslighting. 

Most of all, they must study history: we've seen this before. Musilioni's Italy, Franco's Spain, and Hilter's Germany.   When people liken the rise of Trump to the rise of Hilter, they're not comparing the two men; they're comparing the rise. The political power in Germany brought Hilter in because he connected with the people, and they saw him as a useful idiot. They failed to realize that by backing him, they validated to the people that the people were correct to believe in him. And with that power, he discarded the party and took over the country. A generation later, his followers were ashamed that they didn't see the beast they were feeding. So, too, the GOP doesn't yet know the beast they've created. So no, the comparison is not Trump vs Hilter but rather the idiocy and gullibility of their respective supporters. 

Hilter was crazy, but he believed his actions were for his people. Trump, by contrast, doesn't care about anything except wielding power and having the adulation of his supporters; he doesn't have any ideology or policies he believes in, which is why, throughout the past 20 years, his position has changed with the wind of the public mood. So, if the U.S. elects a corrupt, narcissistic, self-esteem-challenged opportunist grifter in the seat of power, someone who wants absolute power, and right-wing organizations (authors of Project 2025) giving him the blueprint,  this will not just end badly; America as we know it will end, period. 
