The Only I can Do It Myth


Trump was quick to attack Biden for the recent prisoner release.  Ever since Trump burst onto the political scene a decade ago, he has consistently promoted the myth that "I alone can fix it," which has been repeated by his loyal cult ever since. But time and again, it has been proven wrong. 

The latest event surrounding the release of the Americans being held in Russia is just the latest case.  Months back, Trump attacked Biden because a journalist was arrested under Biden's watch. He went on to claim that as soon as he was elected president, they (the American prisoners) would be released. "Putin will do that for me, not anyone else." 

Trump fails to mention that one of the prisoners was taken under his administrative term, and for years, he never did anything -- why didn't he simply call Putin then and have that prisoner released? 

Meanwhile, the Biden administration accomplished the release of four Americans being held in Russia. After 5 years in Russia (including former military vet Paul Whelan arrested under Trump's watch), Biden and Harris greeted him and several others when they arrived on U.S. soil.  And they did it without Trump's assistance, undercutting his ongoing assertions that he alone can fix everything. Moreover, it was accomplished by doing something Trump never did -- embrace and work without allies

Just after Biden made a public announcement, the Trump propaganda machine went to work. 

Trump immediately responded that the prisoners were taken because Putin was laughing at Biden, which begs the question --- why then did they arrest Whelan when Trump was in office?  Trump went on to claim that the Biden team probably gave away billions. They didn't; they worked with allies to coordinate a prisoner swap of 13 (U..S and allies) for eight Russians. 

In a ridiculous statement, Trump's allies are now claiming that Russia only agreed to the prisoner releases now because they know Trump will be returning to power, and they don't want to deal with him then. 

Trump has made claims about things only he could get done. Here are just a few:

  • The Trump camp claimed in 2020 that if Biden won, the stock market would crash; it didn't, but instead has seen it surge, breaking record after record highs. 
  • Trump claimed the economy would plunge into recession, but it didn't. The U.S. economy has outperformed all industrial nations in GDP and inflation levels and has overseen the lowest month-after-month unemployment rates in fifty years.
  • Trump claimed no president could get infrastructure passed since the 1950s, but he alone could do it; he didn't, and Biden did.  
  • Trump claimed he'd deal with healthcare; he didn't; Biden did, but getting caps set for seniors on insulin. 
  • Trump claimed he'd bring back U.S. manufacturing; he didn't. He oversaw an MFG recession, while Biden has overseen a surge in MFG investment and 800,000 new MFG jobs.  
  • Trump claimed he'd take care of vets; he didn't; he called them suckers and losers. Biden got the PACT Act passed. 
  • Trump claimed he was the "Law & Order" president, yet crime surged under his leadership. Plus, he was convicted for fraud, his business was convicted for fraud, his CFO was convicted of fraud, and Trump was adjudicated to be a rapist and Defamer. Biden oversaw a steep decline in crime. 
Trump is a dime-store grifter who anyone paying attention can spot in any paragraph of comments Trump makes.  He rallies his base by feeding them the fear ongering and hateful vitiol. 
